The Skinny on Your Water Percentages
Distinctive body functions and tissues contain diverse quantities of water to be able to function properly. Body fat is comprised of about 10% water, in comparison to muscle which has 75% water. There is also a clear difference between women and men; generally men should have a total body water % from 50 - 65 percent, while the ideal percentage for women is between 45 - 60 percent. How does this affect us individually...it means watching our water intake is vital to seeing the results.
Measuring Total Body Water
Using a body fat scale is one of the only ways you can estimate your total body water percentage at home. These scales use bioelectric impedance analysis, which involves sending a harmless electric current through your body. As electricity travels more easily through water, less resistance to the current indicates a higher body water percentage. Although these scales provide good estimates for most people, you should see your doctor for more effective and accurate ways to measure your total body water percentage.