In this crazy time we all need to practice our compassion for one another. This means that we have to be open to the fact that everyone is dealing with the situation differently. For some that means running more and trying to stay physically active. Some want to curl up with family, pets and a good

book. Others find comfort in cooking or watching TV. Regardless of the form of coping be supportive and helpful. Sympathy allows us to have an understanding between us. The common feeling of the unknown bonds us all to be more caring and understanding. Empathy can be a harder emotion to display. We don’t always have the ability to understand what that person is going through.
I have sympathy and compassion for each and every person I know or have come in contact with. For this reason I am constantly reaching out, letting people know I will do whatever I can within my power to help in any way. You need a new core workout, I got you. You need me to pick up Tylenol because they are out in the area you live…I’m on it. Being a natural empath I have had some seriously overwhelming and emotion days lately. The feelings of everyone around me are like tidal waves that crash upon me. I want to help everyone and anyone and my mind and body keep telling me slow down, use your shields, and take care of you so you can take care of your family. This is where the struggle comes in from others. Not everyone can relate to these types of feelings (empathy). People don’t always want the help your natural mind tells you to give which can be frustrating. Asking what you can do and keep checking up on them only increases their stress and anxiety…but my inner empath wants me to fix what they are feeling, and their anxiety wants me to leave them the hell alone.
Empathy Brief Definition: Empathy is about feelings: we co-experience the emotions of a person with whom we connect.
Example: “I can imagine you must be feeling so many things – sadness, frustration, anger – since you lost your mother.”
Sympathy Brief Definition: Sympathy is about support/care: we feel sorry or feel pity for someone.
Example “I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your mother.
My point in this post to provide awareness to the type of support we are giving and the types of support others really need. At the end of the day display compassion and whether you can only show sympathy and not empathy keep in mind how that can affect the person you are giving it to.