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Remembering the Basics

Pilar S. Roberts

Here we are starting from what seems like scratch again. Anxiety has set in already even though I am better mentally prepared I am not physically and it's taking a toll on my psyche. I have to keep reminding myself of the simple foundation for what I love doing.

* Stress is the killer of all bodybuilding progress

- Manage it as best you can and remember to let go of things you CANNOT change

* You cannot control what others think, do, or say

- I have never liked the saying "it's none of my business what other think of me". I like to believe that if I knew what others thought of me two things would happen...1. I would accept what they see and focus on fixing the issue if I see it as one or 2. I would be able to show them through getting to know me that the first impression was wrong.

* Focus on your goals. I chose this image because I ready an article recently that included an exercise. The exercise said to chose an object, near or far, and all that your goal. If you focus on the goal all things around it become out of focus and unimportant...but the minute to focus on something around the goal you lose focus of the goal and in turn to you lose focus of the GOAL and what is important.

* My loving husband reminds me all the time that the people who matter already love and adore that is what I try to keep at the forefront as I walk this path where judgement is always there

* You can only control your actions so don't take others action personal or compare yourself.

- I have an amazing young competitive client to I try to remind this to all the time. She cannot compare herself to to a younger person who has never given birth and doesn't have a full time job. She looks amazing and is working toward her goal and that is what she has to focus on.

* Everything is a journey which means there will be lessons. Diving in the competitive world I have learned this all too well. As new as I am I have made some mistakes and am working to build better experience and increase my knowledge.

* EVERYONE is a teacher. There is a lesson to be learned from everyone you encounter no matter what the path is that you are on.

I love my new journey and I can't wait to keep learning and applying the basics.

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