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The Competition Journey Part 2

Pilar S. Roberts

Eating, eating, eating. So I am a really healthier eater in general and typically don't over indulge. When I started to have to eat 6 meals a day it was very difficult. Meal prepping is something I am use to so that wasn't a big deal for me either but eating so many times a day (even eating what my trainer asked) started to show in weight gain. It was so discouraging. I thought I must be doing something wrong but I just kept going.

I started to feel like I was letting my trainer down and would fail so I searched for someone to help with my nutrition because something wasn't working. I started a new nutritional plan that met my specific needs. Funny thing was I'm a personal trainer and was going against my own intuition and education...silly move on my part. And I'm sure there are friends that will tell you that you don't have to watch or count macros...I have friends who do the same...but when you find out what your macros are and track them with what you are eating for a little while you won't even need to track them anymore...your body will just tell you. And guess what...ITS OK TO HAVE A REWARD MEAL!!! Now don't get me wrong I didn't say reward day!!

Now my perspective on that..."Reward Meals". If you keep eating things that taste alright or even good but you continuously deny yourself the little treats your mind will start to take over your nutritional instincts and it won't be fun anymore...eating should always be fun. If you are in competition prep, just leaning out a little, or starting to take control of your nutritional after a hiatus...don't let it be dreary and a chore. For idea check out my recipes and if you are looking for something specific shoot me an email!!

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